Course Offering: Jesus Was a Shaktipat Guru

April 23, 2014

Today we are happy to share information on an upcoming course offered by Sw. Shraddhananda aka Rev. Dr. Sonya Jones, OUnI. Here are a few words from Sw. Shraddhananda:

I want to share news of a wonderful adventure I have undertaken with Wholistika, LLC, an Internet company based in northern California. As the hub of holistic education, Wholistika is devoted to offering high quality online classes on spiritual wholeness as well as mental, emotional, physical, and financial well-being.

My course entitled Jesus Was a Shaktipat Guru, based on my book which is scheduled for publication this fall by The SACRED FEET Publishing Imprint, is slated to inaugurate Wholistika’s course offerings in May. Please find our announcement below, and if this is an Interfaith/Interspiritual/Integral/Intra-Tantric subject that interests you, take advantage of the special introductory rate of $108 as compared with the $150 that will be charged for the course when the book is published.

We have been advised that some ministers are planning to set up study groups devoted to Jesus Was a Shaktipat Guru, and I know from experience with my Honors students at The University of Kentucky, that this is a text which helps to promote inter-religious dialogue.



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