About the Order of Universal Interfaith

The Order of Universal Interfaith is a religious society that was incorporated in Michigan to gather together the leaders of the Interfaith movement into one ecclesiastic body. It is meant to be a living example of how people from different backgrounds, cultures and religious traditions can live, work and create a spiritual community together.
Meet OUnI’s board of directors and officers and find out about their ministries.

Rev. David T. Bell, MSC, JD, serves as President and Chair of the Board of Directors of the Order of Universal Interfaith. He received his BBA in accounting from Western Michigan University and his law degree from the University of Michigan Law School. After careers in public accounting, law, real estate development and investment securities, Rev. Bell discerned a call to ministry and began his seminary studies at the New Seminary in New York. Upon his graduation in 1998, he founded the Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth in Ann Arbor, Michigan. At the time of his retirement in 2017, the Center’s membership numbered in excess of 350, and is currently served by a Senior Minister and two Associates.

Rev. Dr. Michelle S. Earnest, DMin has a Doctorate in Ministry from Washington Theological Union, a Master’s Degree in Divinity from Wesley Theological Seminary, and a Master’s Degree in Nursing from Virginia Commonwealth University. She is also a graduate of The New Seminary. As a board-certified Nurse Practitioner, Integrative Health Specialist in Energy Medicine, and Hospital/Hospice Chaplain, Dr. Earnest combines her skills to offer Spiritual Direction and Holistic Health Care in her private healing practice. Previously, she served as the Director of Education for Innersource (the Eden Method Energy Medicine Certification Program), still teaches on their faculty, and practices as an Advanced Practitioner in their healing modality.

Rev. David L. Mitchell, PhD, is an atmospheric scientist with a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, and a master’s degree in Atmospheric Physics and PhD in Atmospheric Science both from the University of Nevada at Reno. He was ordained by OUnI-DC as an Eco-Minister in 2014 and is a frequent speaker on the relationship of spiritual knowledge and issues like global sustainability, climate change, climate engineering and cultural attitudes. Since 2001, he has served as the President of Divine Mission, an organization that provides instruction on the Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita and on yogic techniques with ashrams in Silver City, Nevada and Tiruvannamalai, India.

Chaplain Laurie Taylor, M.Div., BCC, CTACC, holds a Master of Divinity degree from Houston Graduate School of Theology and received her board certification through the Association of Professional Chaplains. She has worked as an interspiritual chaplain in hospital and hospice settings and currently serves as a chaplain at Texas Children’s Hospital in the Texas Medical Center. Laurie received her coaching certification through the Coach Training Alliance and owns a private practice, Virtual Grief Coach, where she provides grief therapy services virtually and in her local community. She is a proud Texas Aggie and Army veteran enjoying life in the woods with her husband and teenage son.

Rev. Dr. Michelle S. Earnest, DMin has a Doctorate in Ministry from Washington Theological Union, a Master’s Degree in Divinity from Wesley Theological Seminary, and a Master’s Degree in Nursing from Virginia Commonwealth University. She is also a graduate of The New Seminary. As a board-certified Nurse Practitioner, Integrative Health Specialist in Energy Medicine, and Hospital/Hospice Chaplain, Dr. Earnest combines her skills to offer Spiritual Direction and Holistic Health Care in her private healing practice. Previously, she served as the Director of Education for Innersource (the Eden Method Energy Medicine Certification Program), still teaches on their faculty, and practices as an Advanced Practitioner in their healing modality.

Rev. Dawn Swartz has been a parish minister for some years but more recently became a chaplain. Her experiences at both hospital and Hospice as well as a few nursing homes helped her encounter the Holy One. It was the challenge to be a chaplain for anyone; believer, or unbeliever, of any faith, or no faith, to accompany anyone on their spiritual path which brought her to herself. She serves on the Board of Directors of the Order. She says it is a great blessing and honor to work in the world of Spirit in this way
Explore the Order of Universal Interfaith Established in 1998
The Order of Universal Interfaith (OUnI) is a beacon of interfaith, interspiritual, and integral ministry, welcoming individuals from all walks of faith. Our members include passionate interfaith ministers, laity, and lay leaders who also serve as chaplains, religious educators, life celebrants, and spiritual counselors/community leaders. Your spiritual journey begins here, at the Order of Universal Interfaith.